How To Ask For Referrals Without Looking Desperate
In business, referrals are considered to be the best and most effective way of getting new business. Asking for referrals on the other hand can be one of the hardest things that any business man has to do. Sometimes one doesn’t know how to go about it without rubbing off on the other person in wrong way. Most of the times that an attorney asks for a referral they come out desperate and in some cases they come across as pushy. Being referred to a certain business or products has a lot of benefits to the business as most people are three times likely to get the product or service that someone else has referred them to. So how can an attorney get the referrals they need out there without coming out as particularly desperate?
Directly Ask
This is one of the best ways that an attorney can use to get referrals from their clients, it is one way that has been tried and tested over the years and it has been proven to work. The attorney needs to be direct and ask the client in person or online at the bottom of the invoice. Some people may assume it is pushy or desperate, but that is not the case, that is especially if the services offered are of great quality. If the attorney has earned the high praise of the client, there is no need to feel shy about asking them to refer your services to others.
Recognize And Thank Your Referral Sources
What way can you get the people who have often referred you to others even before you ask to continue doing the same? Give them a call, or send them an email or even write them a note. This will make them more encouraged to give more referrals. Also, it is a sign of appreciation from the attorney that will make them keep the clients for as long as possible. The next time someone sends business your way make a point of thanking them through a handwritten letter whenever possible or even shoot the person a text.
Ask Before Project Is Over
The general misconception out there is that an attorney has to wait until the business they are doing is over before they can ask for referrals from their clients. If both you and the client are excited about the project you are undertaking, then use the excitement to your advantage. Ask for the referrals at that point and share the excitement with others as well. If you get feedback from your client and most likely if the feedback is positive, ask if there is someone like them who could use your services and ask them to send the person your way.
Get Them Your Contact Information
This is one the basic rules of getting referrals from your clients, if the client doesn’t have your contact information how will they refer other clients to your law firm? The attorney should make sure that all the clients they have also have their contact information on their mobile phones.
There is no law firm in this world that can survive without referrals. In fact referrals will only serve to make the law firm grow as clients will trust services and products that have been tried and tested before. A law firm will grow faster when the referrals start trickling in from clients that have enjoyed their previous experiences with the law firm.